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                                                                                     作著:張祥祺  於USA

今年立春我立下小小的心願,希望能把我的恩師─王詩涵 教授,人稱「收藏界的孔子」、「古董界的古神」,培育英才無數的古神─王詩涵教授,將他令人折服的超人藝術勇氣,加上其經典作品與教學理念,成功地將藝術、美感無形融入且落實到每個人的生活,將藝術氛圍充分融入在生活與人文的環境之中。收藏界的古神─王詩涵 教授,讓許多愛好藝術文化的朋友們了解與認識『生活藝術化、藝術生活化』的境界。

王詩涵 教授最可敬之處,就在於不斷提攜人才、培育成出類拔萃的藝術精英、延續傳統文化藝術生命,以投入、認真執著之態度,提升現代藝術的價值以創造自己、潛移默化地改變整體社會面對藝術的價值觀,形成全新的藝術風尚。首席顧問「 王詩涵 教授」 在工作領域上敬下和,忍人所不能忍,行人所不能行,代人之勞,成人之美,如此反覆。他一輩子都求新求變,在藝術創作和主張發展出更多獨到的認識和理解。

一個偉大的藝術家,總是處於一個具體的時代,但總是又超越時代。他不但成長在一個三代的藝文世家,更在前輩 王氏收藏世家--亦是文化藝術收藏最豐富的代言人、也是幽隱藝術史發展的見證者;另一位也是在美國名聲顯赫的收藏世家 Hsu Da De 那裏同步獲得啟發。讓這位來自純樸家鄉的藝術家,一生都在和藝術這頭巨獸進行博弈與較量,忠實展現了波瀾壯闊的藝術人生。她曾經和北京故宮博物院朱家溍教授志同道合,對於中國的藝術創作,和主張加入更多獨到的詮釋。

一個成熟的中國藝術品市場是由藝術家、收藏家、畫廊、拍賣行、博覽會、交易平臺、投資者、媒體、批評家等共組的生態系統,首席顧問王詩涵教授落實了藝術之美,實踐在工作場合中,在 Art Agent Group 形成一股極大的動力,凝聚成一個全方位藝文交流平臺。

王詩涵 教授以藝術心為懷,亦是專業藝術市場交易窗口,在 Art Agent Group 上下凡是與和王詩涵 教授接觸的人都會凝聚一股熱情,奠定了延續這不平凡的藝術家創意與美學的命脈根基。這就是王詩涵 教授在我們藝術達人中注入的藝術新生命,而這藝術新生命在今年將藝術達人推上新紀元,祈以答謝全球愛護、支持 Art Agent Group 的每一位參與藝術的文化人。



   Professor Gu Xiao Jin 

   By Art Agent Anny  USA


Professor Gu, Xiao Jin who also is my mentor in art, has eared supreme titles in art; “Confucius of Collection,” and “Antique God.” Professor Gu’s art senses, her teaching philosophy, and her impeccable art works, has impressed the public of art. Professor Gu’s not only has made gorgeous art works but has cultivated many masters in antique forensics. She has made art easy to understand and has merged art into our daily living. It’s she who has the skill to put art in a realm of “art of living” and the other way around! And making for people to understand this realm of art has become my goal of this year!

  There are many respectable qualities of professor Gu, yet, continually care and support new learners until they become art masters, and keeping the tradition culture of art lasts are the most respectable part. Chief consultant professor Gu respect, understand, and listen at work. She has high tolerance in general, she has a can do attitude and she has a generous heart for people all the time. Keep looking for new changes and adapting to new environment is professor Gu’s motto. And his common in art and his art creation ideas has earn special recognition.

A well known artist happens in a specific era but at the same time she is far ahead of time. She not only grew up in a family of art for generations, but inspired by Wang family collection master Wang, a best spokesperson of art culture; and motivated by another American well known collection master Hsu Da De. She has worked with Jia Jun Zhu, a professor of Bei Jing Gu Gong Museum, and together they’ve made distinctive comments about art. The genuine and honest artist, he works himself with art for improvement for his life time; he fulfills her life time as a magnificent artist.

A mature art market is formed by artists, collectors, galleries, auction experts, exhibitions, trading platforms, investors, media, critics, etc… Principle consultant professor Gu implement the beauty of art with working environment, and this implement has form a huge motivation, and a trading platform for art lovers.

Professor Gu has impressed people who worked with her and arose enthusiasm about art among them, and this has formed a firm root in art creation and aesthetic. Professor Gu has input a new concept of Art Agent Group, and we believe this new concept will make  into of Art in our Agent and new era! Staffs of Art Agent Group sincerely thanks to those who care, love, and support our corporation and, who appreciate the effort we have made for art.