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王詩涵 教授 榮獲『世界傑出華人藝術教育家百林頓名人獎』

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Edward Lo / GIA Graduate Gemologist 

暨全球熱愛藝術文化工作者 仝賀

在『拍賣公司、鑑定師』群體混雜、坑蒙拐騙、全球瘋狂中,『藝術教育』被消費殆盡無疑的時代,低調、不愛張揚的王詩涵 教授,被我們一群熱愛藝術文化工作者推著邁向舞台,這幾十年來,她以紮實、近乎零瑕疵的專業,耕耘著藝術教育族群,她培養的藝術文化人甚至跨越了整個地球村。她的貢獻,你可體認到藝術文化之美,我想除了陶淵明、蘇東坡外,絕對大於世界文學領域出類拔萃的光輝人物。

王詩涵 教授對藝術教育的貢獻,在於她的專業與執著。

王詩涵 教授,這位來自純樸家鄉的藝術家,一生都在和藝術這頭巨獸進行博弈與較量,不僅是美國21世紀偉大的中國藝術教育家,她還是一位著名大收藏家。王詩涵 教授成長在一個三代收藏世家,多少年的藝術人生,千錘百鍊出一雙《火眼金睛》和《精雕細琢》的執著。 

 王詩涵 教授對藝術教育的貢獻,在於她的器度與胸襟。

王詩涵 教授常說的一句話『東西會說話』,否則那些帝王將相,何故寧可丟掉江山、丟掉美人都要魂不守捨的愛其收藏而不悔,深藏不渝呢?

人稱「古董界的古神」,在美國受傳於名聲顯赫偉大的收藏世家 Mr. Ruy Yuan 那裏得到啟發,從明朝到現在備戰三代,延續傳統文化藝術生命,她也是幽隱藝術史發展的見證者。 真可謂  :畫眉麻雀不同嗓,金雞烏鴉不同窩。王教授真正是一位處於收藏江湖漩渦之中,屹立而不搖之古神。

王詩涵 教授對藝術教育的貢獻,在於她的態度與信譽。


王詩涵 教授從歷代的藏品和歷史記載以及考古現場收集建立數據庫,再對被鑒定物的數據進行比對,尊重客觀的態度足為眾多汲汲於追求利益的後生小輩當典範。

王詩涵 教授對藝術教育的貢獻,在於她的文化與文學藝術修養。

王詩涵 教授為收藏家樹立了楷模,她眼光獨特分析了藝術品與金融的結合、藝術品的投資、如何判斷藝術品基金的好壞、藝術品金融時代已經到來,每一堂課都有精湛的見解,讓我等受益良多。

在王詩涵 教授收藏經歷中深刻了解人性的真實與虛偽,她把收藏界的各個群體人性和本質描寫的入木三分,收藏領域是各類群體混雜的集中營,尤其收藏界把人性的善良、性情、激情、極惡、貪婪、狡詐、虛偽、無恥、瘋狂在不知不覺中表現的淋漓致盡。


王詩涵 教授這位偉大的藝術教育家,既穿越了久遠的歷史文化,刻劃出百年歷史的痕跡;經由藝術教育又可以穿越遙遠的未來,讓你與你的收藏品一同被歷史收藏,永遠銘刻在每個人的心中。


Congratulations to Prof. Wang ShiHan on “World Outstanding Chinese Purlinton Award” for her contribution in art education

By Edward Lo, GIA Graduate Gemologist 
on behalf of art lovers and art-trading professionals around the world

At a time of fanatic enthusiasm in the world of art auctions and artwork appraisals, the trust of the public has become a victim of swindling art-dealing professionals. In the hope of having someone we can rely on to objectively evaluate the value of artworks, we have asked Prof. Wang ShiHan , a low-key, publicity-shunning master of art, to return to the podium of art education. After all, she had been fostering artists and art professionals for several decades with her profound knowledge and impeccable reputation. Her influences crossed national boundaries, and her contributions to the Chinese literature are of the same levels as Tao YuenMing and Su DongPuo in my humble opinion.

Prof. Wang ShiHan ’s true contribution to art education is in her professionalism and persistence

Prof. Wang is an artist who grew up on the countryside in a large family of art collectors; she has been submerged in art since her birth. She is not only a great educator of Chinese art, but also a well-known collector of Chinese antiques. Coming from a family of three-generation art collectors , she has well-trained eyes and finely tuned heart for truly brilliant artworks. Her unwavering persistence with quality makes her one of the best art appraisers alive.

Prof. Wang ShiHan’s true contribution to art education is in her magnanimity and breadth of mind

One of Prof. Wang’s most quoted saying is “the object speaks for itself.” A great piece of art captures the heart of its lover that he is willing to sacrifice everything for it. That was why many kings and emperors in China’s long history would rather lose their reigns to keep the artworks they cherished.

Nicknamed “Antique Deity,” Prof. Wang received inspirations from Mr. Ruy Yuan, one of the grandmasters of art. Her knowledge and expertise covered the three most recent eras of China: Ming and Qing dynasties and today’s Republic. She is one of kind in the Chinese art field for her distinguished tastes and outstanding skills.

Prof. Wang ShiHan ’s true contribution to art education is in her attitude and reputation

Prof. Wang is not only good at creating valuable artworks, she also possesses immense cultural knowledge and unique technical skills on artwork appraisal. She uses scientific methods, deploying most advanced physical and chemical means available, to test and analyze art subjects on their materials and craftsmanship.  The resulting appraisal reports have been called “decisive,” “objective,”  “way above average,” and “nearly perfect.”

Prof. Wang’s diligence in searching for historical records and in careful examination of an art subject to establish its data bank before making a fair and impartial judgment has set an example for the younger generation on how to behave in the art business world to become respectable professionals.

Prof. Wang ShiHan’s true contribution to art education is in her culture and literature accomplishments

Prof. Wang has also set a paradigm for art collectors. Her vision opened up a new trend in art collecting field, with the merging of art and finance, investment in artworks and art funds, and in setting standards in determining artwork value. Today, the time of investing in art for the general public has arrived. Each class she offered so far has provided unique viewpoints that benefited me and other students in so many ways.

In her own personal experience of art collecting, she has seen people of all levels and understood personalities from the truest to the most hypocritical sides of human nature. The world of art collectiong and art dealing is filled with people from all sorts of backgrounds, displaying characters of goodness, evil, passion, greed, honesty, deceit, truthfulness, hypocrisy, honor, shamelessness, peace and delirium in full force.

Prof. Wang has made us realize some of the truths about art collecting: “the idea comes from a great teacher’s guidance,” “the understanding comes from real lessons,” “the vision comes from blood and sweat,” and “a great artwork comes by opportunity.” To be successful in art collecting, one must go through the thorny path of many failures.

A great art educator such as Prof. Wang must mentally live through the long history of cultural development and spiritually witness at least a century of art creation. Through art education, she passes her visions of the far future to make you realize that you and your art collections can someday become part of the history that is etched on everyone’s heart.