清乾隆 玉壺
規格:L 15.60 x W 7.30 x H 8.90 cm

重量 :  1,579 carats


光潔溫潤的透青綠玉 / 質美工精的乾隆工御制品,目前已知有四件精美的乾隆工御制品玉壺,一件收藏於中國北京,一件傳於瑞士日內瓦收藏家收藏,二件由西方收藏家收藏。 

參考資料 :1. 海外遺跡─玉器(一)(二) 群玉別藏及續集  

                     2. GIA Identification Report   


Jade Teapot Sculpture  

QianLong Era of Qing Dynasty

Dimensions (cm): L 15.5 x W 7.5 x H 9.0

Weight:1,579 carats

This exquisite jade teapot sculpture was made by the Imperial Workshop of Qing Dynasty between 1736 and 1795 during Emperor QianLong’s reign, according to historical records. The piece of jade is green with a slight hue of blue in color, with extraordinary smoothness in texture. The craftsmanship was also magical, giving this teapot a detachable lid that is inseparable from the teapot through a series of chain links, all carved from one single piece of stone.

Today, there exist four know artworks of fine jade teapots made by the Imperial Workshop while QianLong was the emperor. One is kept in BeiJing, China. One belongs to an art collector who resides in Geneva, Switzerland. The other two are in the hands of two unspecified western art collectors.

Descriptions of this item can be found in the following literatures:

1. Great Chinese Treasures that Went Overseas, Jade Items, Vol. 1 and Vol. 2

2. Records of Various Jade Treasures, and the Sequel

3. GIA Identification Report