明嘉靖 綠釉龍鳳洪福齊天六角瓶
規格:D 25 x H 43 cm

綠釉龍鳳洪福齊天六角瓶,尺寸巨大,品相完整,畫工細緻,龍鳳生動,寓意吉祥,洪福齊天。作瓜棱狀,短頸,頸 繪焦葉紋;六角形折肩,飾花葉紋和雲頭鉤子鏈紋,棱狀腹部繪雲焰和龍鳳,底部繪以回紋,填彩工藝講究,堪為難得罕見的明嘉靖綠釉六角瓶。


Ming Dynasty, JiaJing Era (1522 - 1566) – Green Glaze Dragon-Phoenix Hexagonal Vase Titled “Sky-high Blessings”

This huge hexagonal vase titled “Sky-high Blessings” is kept in perfect condition, with green glaze dragon and phoenix drawn in great detail. The flying dragon and phoenix symbolized tremendous blessings from heaven for the royal family. The vase is shaped like an edged squash, with a short neck where banana leaf markings were painted. On the shoulders of the vase, flowers, leaves, cloud-like hooks were patterned around the body. On the bellies of the vase, dragon, phoenix and flaming clouds were featured. The craftsmanship for this masterpiece is impeccable, making it an extremely rare and valuable artwork passed down from JiaJing Era of Ming Dynasty.