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編號:C0001 |
清乾隆 青花粉彩雲龍紋轉心瓶 |
規格:D 19 x H 36 cm |
青花粉彩雲龍紋轉心瓶為始於清朝乾隆間的工藝品,由當時的督窯官唐英供奉給乾隆,這精緻鏤空雕刻青花粉彩雲龍轉心瓶,全器分分內外兩層,外層包著內層,瓶身修長、敞口,溜肩,自肩處分成兩截。口、頸、肩呈八稜花瓣形,飾青花粉彩花卉紋,瓶腹中部施描金、青花和粉彩黃釉飾鏤空雲頭鉤子鏈紋,上下飾紅地粉彩勾蓮紋。足部飾仰蓮瓣紋,連接黃釉底座,轉心瓶 底座下方有『大清乾隆年製』的落款,並且在不同的位置鏤空,內層則可在外層內自由轉動,外層的鏤空位置則可看到內層轉動的雲龍,雲彩及龍紋,在雲彩之間,龍盤轉飛舞。 龍相傳為神靈之精,四靈之長,為中國人傳統的想像神獸,對應的地支是辰,具有無窮的生命力,中國歷史上的各個朝代,帝王也稱呼自己為「真龍天子」,龍具有權力的象徵。清乾隆 青花粉彩雲龍紋轉心瓶使用龍作為最高權力的象徵,象徵乾隆爺的尊貴、權勢與吉祥。 此青花粉彩雲龍紋轉心瓶連座由督官窯燒製,工藝水平極為高超,裝飾手法奇巧別緻,匠心獨運,由於製造轉心瓶難度極高,需要精確的尺寸比例和溫度,因此存世的作品並不多。
Blue-Pattern Pastel Vase with Dragon-Cloud Spinning Center Qing Dynasty, QianLong Era This blue-pattern pastel vase with dragon-cloud spinning center was one of the masterpieces of an innovative ceramic art technique that started in the QianLong era of Qing dynasty. Tang Ying (唐英), the governor of the kilns at the Imperial Workshop, supervised the creation of this magnificent artwork, and it was meant as a special gift for the emperor. This vase is made up of two separate pieces; when the top part is lifted vertically, it reveals the ‘spinning center’ that is hidden inside the bottom part. The top part with the spinning center is long and slender; the bottom, on the other hand, is shaped like a hollow globe. The skirt of the top part is made up of a series of triangles shaped and colored as water chestnut leaves. The outside of the vase features blue-pattern pastel flowers of many varieties outlined in gold, and decorated with cloud-like hooks and lotus leaves. The yellow-glaze base has the official seal of ‘Made in QianLong Era of Great Qing’ of the imperial kilns on the bottom. On the shell of the bottom part, holes of various shapes and sizes were etched. Peeking through these holes, one can see the dragon and the clouds painted on the spinning center’s surface. When the center spins, the scene looks as if a dragon is flying amongst the clouds. Ancient Chinese believed the dragon was a magical beast, and it was the leader of the so-called ‘four magical beasts.’ The corresponding ‘earthly support’ (地支) for the dragon is Chen (辰), and Chen’s characteristic is boundless energy of life. In China’s imperial history, emperors called themselves ‘the true dragon’ and ‘the son of heaven.’ Therefore, the dragon was also the symbol of absolute power. This vase, with its painting of a dragon, glorious appearance and exquisite craftsmanship, was a symbol of Emperor QianLong’s supreme position, power and blessing. This blue-pattern pastel vase with dragon-cloud spinning center was a creation of the imperial kiln. It was made with exceptional materials and superb techniques. Vases with spinning center were extremely difficult to make; they require great precision in dimensions and very accurate kiln temperature control, among other factors. Today, there are very few surviving pieces of such vase that were made in Qing dynasty.