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編號:N0004 |
麒麟送子玉珮 |
規格:L 6.2 x W 4.4 x H 1.4 cm |
清朝 / 清乾隆 ,西元1736 - 西元1795年 重量 : 297.64 carats 中國人是非常喜愛麒麟的,因為牠是神獸,獸類的君長,牠可以護佑百姓年年五穀豐收,故又是吉祥的代表。傳說中麒麟是仁獸,是吉祥之象徵,能為人們帶來子嗣,使家族興旺,麒麟送來的童子長大後必然是賢良之臣,能輔助治國,比喻仁者在位『平步青雲』,因此有『麒麟送子』之說。 麒麟的首似龍,形如馬,狀比鹿,尾若牲尾,背上有五彩毛紋,腹部有黃色毛。中國古代用麒麟象徵祥瑞,相傳只在太平盛世,或治世有聖人時此獸才會出現,亦作騏驎。 麒麟兒代表有出息的孩子,傑出的兒童被稱為「麒麟兒」或「麟兒」。 此一玉佩為清朝子岡款式,玉牌正面以高浮雕雕琢的是『童子騎麒麟、戴長命鎖,持蓮抱笙』;另一面淺浮雕一對“龍紋”,並雕款『麒麟送子』“雲氣紋”,令懿皇貴妃於乾隆二十五年十月初六生皇十五子顒琰時,為乾隆皇帝希冀祥瑞降臨、聖賢誕生、多子多孫而雕琢之宮廷吉祥玉佩。 和闐青白玉,清朝時期乾隆宮寶親王御制品,不僅作工精細圓熟,而且突出溫潤瑩澤之玉質美,作工、表現上均是清初玉器之代表作。 參考資料:GIA Identification Report
HerTien Jade Sculpture of “Boy-Delivering Kirin” QianLong Era of Qing Dynasty Weight: 297.64 carats This jade sculpture of a kirin carrying a young boy on its back was made by the Imperial Workshop of Qing Dynasty between 1736 and 1795 during Emperor QianLong’s reign, according to historical records. The finished product is an accessory for wearing around the neck or the waist in the hope of receiving a baby boy with exceptional talents, virtues and looks. The jade accessory is a fine example of “ZiGang” (子岡) Style popular in the early period of Qing dynasty. The front is a high cameo of a kirin carrying a boy who wears a “longevity plate” around his neck. The child holds lotus flowers in his right hand and a Sheng (笙 - a traditional Chinese woodwind musical instrument) in his left hand. The reverse side has carvings of four Chinese characters of “麒麟送子” ( meaning “kirin delivering a boy”) surrounded by lucky clouds. At the top edge near the drilled hole, two dragons face each other in symmetrical pattern. Kirin is one of the most beloved imaginary beasts in Chinese culture. It has a head similar to a dragon’s. Its torso looks like a buck’s, and the legs and hoofs may have been inspired by horses. The magical creature represents abundant harvest and offspring. In ancient time, Chinese believe a boy delivered by a kirin will grow up to be a great minister for the emperor, keeping the nation on the right course and allowing people to enjoy peace and prosperity. Therefore, a fine child with excellent talents, virtues and looks is still being called a “kirin child” or “kirin kid” by Chinese around the world today. Reference : GIA Identification Report |