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編號:C0006 |
大清乾隆年製 粉彩「海水九龍」圖梅瓶 |
規格:D 38 x H 57 cm |
清代康熙、雍正、乾隆三朝是瓷器發展史上的一個重要時期,粉彩瓷器創燒於康熙時期,雍正時期發展成熟,乾隆時期達到鼎盛。 看一件瓷器的畫作品與看紙、絹、中國畫一樣,看的規律是『一字、二畫、三印章』。在中華民族發展史上,龍一直佔著重要的地位,龍是至高無上的獨特神物,龍也是皇帝的象徵。古代皇帝更以「真龍天子」自居,穿龍袍,居龍閣,在傳世的乾隆御制瓷中,此件粉彩『海水九龍』圖梅瓶是乾隆皇帝十分喜愛的一件瓷器,九龍飄逸、做工細膩、色彩豐富,小口、短頸、豐肩 、瘦底、圈足,多年來一直被當做稀世粉彩瓷器珍藏,被譽為『東方藝術珍寶』。 此件大清乾隆年製粉彩『海水九龍』圖梅瓶是一件孤品,所繪九龍圖像立體感很強,九龍姿態各異、栩栩如生,可謂精雕細琢,匠心獨運,富貴艷麗,符合盛世情懷,見證了清宮御瓷千古不朽的輝煌成就。
Pastel Painting of ‘Nine Dragons of the Sea’ on Plum Vase QianLong Era of Qing Dynasty Dimensions: D38 x H57 cm During the reign of emperors KangXi, YongZheng and QianLong of Qing Dynasty, porcelain-making techniques made tremendous progresses. Pastel painting on porcelain was an innovation when KangXi ruled China; the art became mature in YongZheng era and reached its peak during QianLong’s 60-year reign. As with paintings on paper or silk, those on porcelain were judged by three elements: calligraphy, drawing and stamping, in that order. In Chinese culture, dragons are very important symbols; they are the most supreme creature. Emperors were compared to dragons; as a matter of fact, Chinese emperors used to call themselves ‘real dragon’ or ‘son of heaven.’ The robes emperors wore had dragons embroidered on them. The palaces emperors resided in were called ‘dragon pavilions.’ Among all the porcelain artworks made from the Imperial Workshop that were passed down until today, this pastel painting of ‘Nine Dragons of the Sea’ on a plum vase was one of the items most cherished by emperor QianLong. The nine dragons look lively and energetic. The craftsmanship is excellent. The colors are vivid and well-balanced. The vase has a small mouth with a short neck. The shoulders are wide and round. The bottom is narrow with a thin rim. This item had been called ‘the treasure of oriental art’ by some art critiques. This pastel painting of ‘Nine Dragons of the Sea’ on a plum vase is a very unique artwork: the dragons look three-dimensional, and each dragon is different from the others. The painting is very delicate and detailed, and the splendid colors reflect one of the most rich and powerful times in China’s history. This item is a proof of the great achievements made by QianLong’s Imperial Workshop.